Whether you are seeking massage therapy for a soft tissue problem or stress management, you will find Barbara's treatment a unique blend of therapeutic and calming elements. Using swedish massage as a base for the treatment, Barbara combines the energy healing effects of Reiki and traditional massage techniques such as trigger point release into each treatment.
As a licensed health professional, Barbara is trained to discuss your health issues and treatment needs. Tissue pressure, depth of treatment and touch are all adjusted to meet the needs of each client and each treatment. Good communication during the treatment is maintained to ensure client safety and comfort.
Over 30 years of practice has given Barbara a wide range of experience with all age groups of people. Her education is up to date with the latest scientific information on the human body. As Barbara's massage therapy client you will receive the benefits of her expertise of over 20,000 massage therapy treatments. Not only will you experience her massage therapy treatment but you will also learn valuable information on how you can help yourself.